miércoles, diciembre 05, 2012

The Importance of a Friend

From very young I was around people that I feed back from those strange early became playmates, then to friends.

How important can become a friend in the life of a person? A very good question, the answer can be as simple as saying that "if not more" to the point of looking for answers in philosophical, spiritual and historical.

Personally, transcends any kind of explanation, is beyond the palpable by consciousness, is almost on a level of Divinity (regardless of religion or philosophical), as I think and feel that there is an inner light that connects us all this is that each brings a bit in the other's life, contributing and sharing experiences.

I tried searching the Internet the meaning of the word friendship, just in an effort to strengthen a little exposed before.

Friendship: Friendship is an emotional relationship between two or more people. This is one of the most common relationships that most human beings have in friendship vida.La occurs in different stages of life and in different degrees of importance and significance. This arises when the subject of friendship relate to each other and are in their loved one thing in common. There are friendships that are born within minutes of relating and others take years to do so. Friendships usually last a lifetime. The friends in most cases are for many decades.

Components of friendship
• The main component in friendship is trust.
• Encourage and understand how you feel unpleasant situations.
• Empathy and sympathy.
• Fidelity.
• Pleasantness by sharing one or more activities, ideas, tastes, memories or life itself.
In all friendship between people are also:
• Love is the most important thing in friendship, friendship is based on this concept in conjunction with others but for true friendship must be love.
• Trust and sincerity. It makes it easier to talk and act as naturally thinks and is, minimizing the social restraints that normally have.
• Interest and concern for the friend. He is interested in the welfare of others, that is, of their problems and achievements. Therefore attempts to meet, communicate and live with it.
• Reciprocity. This is achieved by supporting each other in good times and in bad times. "Do not let the grass grow on the path of friendship." Plato
• Comprehension. Acceptance of the characteristics of an individual, their values, ideas, fears, successes, failures, ultimately their way of being. "A friend is a person you can think aloud." Emerson
• Respect.
• Friendship is often in that state of emotion, feeling intense and relatively short, in the broad sense, is any process emotional affection. It also highlights the emotional expressions and acts as movements cause emotional and relationship with reflections.
• A friend always values ​​the opinion of others or other.
• A friend never forgets the other.
• A friend not impose your thoughts, but advises you on what you thought wrong. Neither agree on everything. "I do not need friends that change when I change and settle when I nod. My shadow makes it much better." Attributed to Plutarch
• A friend not blackmailing, or looking for ways to hurt you.
• A friend is the one who is at all times good and bad, that nobody knows you up when you've fallen.

Friendship in History.

Friendship is considered a vital human experience, has even been sanctified by various religions and cults, as has also been present in much of the literature, from the legends, myths, epics, etc.. An example of this is what happens in The Epic of Gilgamesh, which is considered one of the first literary works in history, where it chronicles the friendship between Gilgamesh and Enkidu and the Greco-Romans had, among several other examples, the friendship between Orestes and Pylades. The canonical Gospels tell us of Jesus' statement, "No one has greater love than this, to sacrifice one's life for his friends." the examples and so forth are repeated.

After this summary and all I can say is that in the depths you are part of the pillars that reinforce my being, all the experiences shared among all both past, present and future, and will have been arraigas deep in my heart, marked with fire.

Again confirmed why many reason I carry it in my heart and in my mind, as I lived in this lapse of time and space, I feel they are my most precious treasure that is kept under 7 keys and protects jealously.

You are part of the foundation of this humble building.

Thank you all for everything and for being there.

A big hug Fraternal, I love you .......