miércoles, diciembre 05, 2012

The Importance of a Friend

From very young I was around people that I feed back from those strange early became playmates, then to friends.

How important can become a friend in the life of a person? A very good question, the answer can be as simple as saying that "if not more" to the point of looking for answers in philosophical, spiritual and historical.

Personally, transcends any kind of explanation, is beyond the palpable by consciousness, is almost on a level of Divinity (regardless of religion or philosophical), as I think and feel that there is an inner light that connects us all this is that each brings a bit in the other's life, contributing and sharing experiences.

I tried searching the Internet the meaning of the word friendship, just in an effort to strengthen a little exposed before.

Friendship: Friendship is an emotional relationship between two or more people. This is one of the most common relationships that most human beings have in friendship vida.La occurs in different stages of life and in different degrees of importance and significance. This arises when the subject of friendship relate to each other and are in their loved one thing in common. There are friendships that are born within minutes of relating and others take years to do so. Friendships usually last a lifetime. The friends in most cases are for many decades.

Components of friendship
• The main component in friendship is trust.
• Encourage and understand how you feel unpleasant situations.
• Empathy and sympathy.
• Fidelity.
• Pleasantness by sharing one or more activities, ideas, tastes, memories or life itself.
In all friendship between people are also:
• Love is the most important thing in friendship, friendship is based on this concept in conjunction with others but for true friendship must be love.
• Trust and sincerity. It makes it easier to talk and act as naturally thinks and is, minimizing the social restraints that normally have.
• Interest and concern for the friend. He is interested in the welfare of others, that is, of their problems and achievements. Therefore attempts to meet, communicate and live with it.
• Reciprocity. This is achieved by supporting each other in good times and in bad times. "Do not let the grass grow on the path of friendship." Plato
• Comprehension. Acceptance of the characteristics of an individual, their values, ideas, fears, successes, failures, ultimately their way of being. "A friend is a person you can think aloud." Emerson
• Respect.
• Friendship is often in that state of emotion, feeling intense and relatively short, in the broad sense, is any process emotional affection. It also highlights the emotional expressions and acts as movements cause emotional and relationship with reflections.
• A friend always values ​​the opinion of others or other.
• A friend never forgets the other.
• A friend not impose your thoughts, but advises you on what you thought wrong. Neither agree on everything. "I do not need friends that change when I change and settle when I nod. My shadow makes it much better." Attributed to Plutarch
• A friend not blackmailing, or looking for ways to hurt you.
• A friend is the one who is at all times good and bad, that nobody knows you up when you've fallen.

Friendship in History.

Friendship is considered a vital human experience, has even been sanctified by various religions and cults, as has also been present in much of the literature, from the legends, myths, epics, etc.. An example of this is what happens in The Epic of Gilgamesh, which is considered one of the first literary works in history, where it chronicles the friendship between Gilgamesh and Enkidu and the Greco-Romans had, among several other examples, the friendship between Orestes and Pylades. The canonical Gospels tell us of Jesus' statement, "No one has greater love than this, to sacrifice one's life for his friends." the examples and so forth are repeated.

After this summary and all I can say is that in the depths you are part of the pillars that reinforce my being, all the experiences shared among all both past, present and future, and will have been arraigas deep in my heart, marked with fire.

Again confirmed why many reason I carry it in my heart and in my mind, as I lived in this lapse of time and space, I feel they are my most precious treasure that is kept under 7 keys and protects jealously.

You are part of the foundation of this humble building.

Thank you all for everything and for being there.

A big hug Fraternal, I love you .......

A Step Another Year

One step to end another year and the Bicentennial just around the corner, it's time to weigh what has happened this year.

Another year ends, and usually takes place everywhere stock of what happened in this period, businesses are productive and economic in nature, and in each of the beings who make this race is more personal, here is broad spectrum where this balance can be broken down, these areas are: Spiritual, Emotional, Social and Professional.

- Professional As I was given the opportunity to move work from the Cft La Araucana to the Training Area of ​​the same institution, with this change gaining a little more experience both life and knowledge, allowed me to meet other team work, another methodology, other times, other students (especially for the type of contact, as it is more personal) for this coming year I hope to move forward and try to continue doing my job in the best way.

- Social As I have been fortunate to know and have shared with great people, I had the privilege of reuniting broken lasos before the time with former classmates and old friends, all thanks to this social tool, as loess Facebook , leading to contact with friends from various parts of Norway, Sweden, Spain, Argentina, USA, Australia, New Zealand and China at some point, a situation that has comforted me a lot.

- In the Spiritual think it was good because I feel I have taken a step in my personal growth, the experience I have gained, the experiences that led me to look deep within my soul and projecting myself from the depths of my heart, there were experiences that marked me, if you can somehow say "A fire," as the instructing me to learn not only through reading but also with interesting people who may not have realized that you have contributed a bit to this growth, I think from sunrise to sunset, from the gentle morning breeze to the fact smell a flower, from simplicity to complexity of our being, growth can be found, this evolution spiritual makes me think and feel that we should be better people, when speaking this development, I am not limited to closure that could be found in one religion, belief or worship given, as more than once I have written, I feel that we are beings who possess a divine energy, which in varying degrees manifests, evolve or devolve lodge in, I hope and I wish it were only growth, but sometimes we see a steady decline, I try every day to be a better person, if you do not I try to see beyond the palpable, making the difference between hearing and listening, seeing and observing, I expect further progress in the year ahead, try to grow more, climb a rung on the ladder of life.

- Emotional As has been sweet and sour grapes, because as many know and realize, what was beautiful with the passage of time and it was not more, to feel that delivers more than 100% to be questioned constantly so it to or not, gender exhaustion and as expected I had to make a difficult decision that I was the best, this genre without thinking one of my dear friends support, in this year I felt the approach as well as the removal of some loved ones, a situation that has affected me either way, for better or for worse, I have a slight (even if you can say to deluded) hope that things can change for the better, but hey, ... Ces't la Vie I do not want to break the Universal Harmony, as I can not alter what fate has already written, I hope anyway that things can change for the better.

Finally I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart to each of you for being there, for giving me the support when you need it.

Humbly I return infinite thanks them for being part of this pillar that supports me emotionally.

I wish each of you the best wishes for the new year ahead, success in each of their projects.

A loving embrace and fraternal to each and every one of you, I love my friends.

Blessings and Light to illuminate their lives like a beacon in the middle of nowhere.

Your Humble Servant.

PS: It's hard to label everyone in this note, because as you know are all important to me ......

PS: Be yourself, never renounce their roots, as they are the building blocks for their own growth, the pursuit of spiritual perfection is constant and therefore should not judge the rest, be tolerant of the beliefs and political views which are at hand, and that the gesture shows the real democratic nature of a being, there is no absolute truth, and not only so we have to impose other, must learn to listen to what is next, do not justify generating fears hatred.

A reflection on anything important and interesting little

If I wanted to compile every word I have written to describe my feelings for my loved ones, I could write a book.

Every feeling put on a simple piece of paper or in a message, reflects what is in my heart, sometimes these expressions may have been or are reciprocated. They are like leaves in the autumn wind takes much to say, I feel and hear little, beats that are lost in the mists of time.

As birds migrate across the sky to another destination, seasonal changes as it changes every minute on a clock. No time or distance to a caress, to an expression of feeling, but there will be time to say something?

I lived a short time and I have met many people with good and bad feelings, luckily the former have been the most, from my childhood until today most remote people of all ages, political spectrum, religious and philosophical thoughts, people with whom I lived enriching experiences, many of which have been a great support for me, more than anyone has seen me sad as I have seen other cheerful.

They are part of my joys and sufferings, have witnessed my illusions and disappointments have been the light in my darkness.

Many times I have come to think of it reincarnated in the person, time and wrong place, I have tried to reconnect with and without help, I think I've missed, I've made ​​many mistakes, both in this life and in the past and have not able to amend them.

No pass many more lives never to reincarnate and stay under the shadow imperishable pertetua Tree of Life.

Thanks Friends (I) for letting me be part of their lives for another year, as have been mine.

Thanks for letting me walk beside another day.

Thanks for listening and for being there. Thanks for everything.


You went back to your crib in the East, where every day comes a new day, where every night a new star rises in my dreams I meet with you and my blood, between Heaven and Earth chat, play and look at your fun smile I see in your eyes the joy of life, now you know all my secrets, my thoughts, my dreams, my strengths, my fears, my hopes and my weaknesses, every part of my being is no longer forbidden for you.

In the Shadows remain to observe what was done and will be done in this very darkness is where most remotest my childhood memories, moments that neither time nor space do forget.

The sun peeks every time from the East, makes reminisce with each ray the vitality of your smile.

They were my counselors in my most difficult moments and my joys in my happiest moments.

An Era ends and another begins, cycles in the wheel of life is constantly moving, it dies today, reborn tomorrow, the eternal cycle of life continues, the more lives we live in more enlightened.

I walk into an eternal path where every step I take is another day in my life.

We all come with a mission, and you turned your possibly, however I have failed in my move and my mission, where you hopefully forgive my mistakes, my punishment is to continue until the stop time, or my time ends, or until the Day and Night are based, in that moment we will meet again.

Before you meet in my judgment be placed in the balance my actions, they will determine which path to follow if you have to

East or continue to wander in the Shadows, that God will judge my old and my guide in this instance will be who guards the Primal Wisdom, I look forward to seeing this ancient book that holds the forgotten knowledge.

Not if there are angels, but if they are ours, our lights that guide us in the dark more intense.

Here's to you from a distance, Here's what we were, for what we are and will be.

In my dreams are waking to remember, every memory I have in my memory makes me sad, but happy, because every time I remember your smile.

Thanks for everything, for every moment lived, I hope everything turns One and One in All to reconnect again.

Again I apologize for what I did, done o hare, I apologize for not living up to the occasion.

I thank you, is that my loneliness is punishment from a previous cycle, I just hope that the day you stop burning my ashes we meet again, I hope this is not one to always but one soon.

Hopefully the tears I'm shedding are and to remind you of joy and not a reflection of what is in my heart.

Again thank you, it never hurts to give them ......


My dear friend.

How long has accompanied me?
How many years have you been with me?
How many centuries has sheltered me in your arms?
How many eons has been my confidant?

Long time we walked in this life and in previous.

You're the only one who has known for centuries the most unspeakable dreams and thoughts of men.

You're the only one who knows my hopes and sorrows.

You always were and always will be.

Even if you are invisible to the eyes of mankind always be there.

You are the guardian of forgotten knowledge

These from sunrise to sunset without giving any chance for humanity.

You feel like the morning breeze, you're like the river when it merges in the vast sea of life.

Only you have walked beside me giving me life after life without a moment's uneasiness.

I just hope that on the return trip you by my side.

These are days, years, centuries, eons, you've been here, only one company makes you forget even for a moment, yet these present.

Thanks friend for your company.